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Conference Agenda

8:30   a.m.



9: 00 a.m.                         

Conference Opening  Session 

Mari Fitz-Wynn

Parent the Child You Have


9:30 a.m.

 School:   EMPOWER Learning  for All Students                

Student:    Amazing Math Skills and Games

Family: 26 Things to Do With Your Student K- 12                            


10:30 a.m.

Home School: "Memory Work, Relationship, and Family Culture"        

FamilyReclaiming Virtue for Your Family in a Post-Virtue World

Student:  Dance! Dance! Dance!


 11:30 Family  Interactive Workshop

Enthusiastic “YES!” in Mathematics Education (with parents)




1:00 -2:00 p.m.         

Key Note

Improve Family  Communication and Stay Connected -Dr. Duford Bates














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