Alan Hahn
My entrance into secondary education stems from failing to engage or to be engaged in my education until well after high school. I became a teacher hoping my students would be engaged and learn to be engaging. My experiences are many and varied, from dull corporate headquarters to life in the beautiful Venezuelan Andes. I've worked in federal prison, taught in San Francisco, framed houses, and worked as a hostage negotiator. My doctoral dissertation is in education, and in God’s grace and reflective of His sense of humor, He has granted me the great privilege of being a teacher. I am fortunate to have a patient, loving wife, and two children genuinely pursuing their calls to discipleship.
God prompted me to start Iron Academy in 2013. We are a school intensely focused on allying with Bible-believing families and their local church to reveal God’s perfect design within their sons.
“Reclaiming Virtue for Your Family in a Post-Virtue World.”
Our culture has changed dramatically over the last fifty years. The change in the last ten years may have been the most accelerated in all human history. Moral relativism continues to claim victims, among which is the ability or willingness to discriminate between good and evil, right and wrong. Very quickly, it appears we are entering a post-virtue existence. The dangers are obvious to the Christ-following family. How can we build Christ-like sons and daughters if we do not understand the attributes of God, the dispositions of Jesus, or recognize the praiseworthy characteristics within the people in our lives and throughout literature? Can a school (homeschool or private Christian) effectively teach virtue if it doesn’t practice virtue among family, children, students, staff, and parents? What should a parent do to teach virtue? What could your school be doing?
Iron Academy has put considerable thought into this topic. Attend this workshop to hear Alan Hahn weigh in on how to recognize, teach, reward, and talk about virtue systematically and consistently.